Saturday, April 9, 2005

Death Penalty Abolished?

The Supreme Court struck down the 1989 Stanford v. Kentucky ruling on Tuesday, March 1, 2005 in its ruling Roper v. Simmons.  The court said that its ruling in this circumstance was largely influenced by the Supreme Court’s desire to end the U.S. International Isolation on the issue.

Kennedy said, “Our determination finds confirmation in the stark reality that the United States is the only country in the world that continues to give official sanction to the juvenile death penalty.”  I don’t remember the Constitution of the United States giving any mandate to listen to International Law.  Since when does our Sovereign Nation listen to the ideology of the Europeans?  Our nation did not listen to the Europeans during the Iraq controversy, and our President held his own decisions strongly with Britain and Australia.  The fact that the President did this is a mandate for the country to follow.  The President’s Foreign Policy should be listened to, and our sovereignty should not be hindered by the “all-powerful” Supreme Court.

I am appalled that Kennedy used the words “from a moral standpoint”.  What gall!  This man is hearing a case which involves the capital punishment of guilty individuals, and he says that from a moral standpoint it is not right to take their life?  On what ground, one may ask?  Kennedy says, “today our society views juveniles as categorically less culpable than the average criminal.”  What determines the average criminal?  Is anyone average when in a fit of rage they murder an innocent victim? Is any person average when they blatantly disregard human life? Kennedy believes so.

Another thing, Kennedy said “a greater possibility exists that a minor’s character deficiencies will be reformed.”  Murder is now equated with deficiency?  Since when was this the standard?  Murder is an act of rage, and the person who commits this act, immediately realizes what they have done.  Taking a person’s life is not and should never be a deficiency in a character of a person.  A character deficiency is known as sin, and everyone is born with it.  It cannot be fixed by rehabilitation clinics, reformation programs, or money.  The desire to commit sin, no matter how heinous, is in each individual’s heart.  The only way one may change his ways is receiving Jesus Christ into his or her heart, then and only then one may change his way through the grace which God has given to us freely.

Capital punishment should be reinstated for, all who kill and are found guilty should forfeit their life.

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